Anglophone Community, September 27, 2022

3 octobre 2022

“Adult Education 101” was the first Anglophone community Après-cours of the year.

The meeting was held on September 27, 2021. It was brought to you by the English Pedagogical Consultants.

Session recording


By clicking on the hyperlink of one of the points in the table below, you will be redirected to the precise moment of the recording when this point was discussed.

Welcome, Opening
Andragogy vs Pedagogy
Adult Education Services Road Map
Description of the different Services
– English Pedagogical Consultants (EPC)
– L’Équipe Choc Pedagogical
– AGE Acronyms
2022-2023 Action Plans[/skipto]
– EPC Action Plan
– L’Équipe Choc Pedagogical Action Plan
– RÉCIT AGE Action Plan
– SEC Action Plan
Q/A Session
1. Distinction between CCBE and DBE
2. Why does it take so long to get tenure in adult education?
3. I would like to know more about Adult Education in a general sense and also, what SI services are there for people with severe mobility issues in LaSalle?
4. Where can we find and store filmed versions of plays to build a collection for 5101? Are there any filmed versions of Canadian plays?
Upcoming cross-curricular and specific Après-cours


Documents and links

The Presentation used during the workshop
L’équipe Choc pedagogical website
Site des Services éducatifs complémentaires (SEC)
RÉCIT AGE website

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines (UDL)
The Anglophone community forum on Moodle FGA

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