Science Community, September 21, 2022

23 septembre 2022

First Science Community Après-cours of the year. These Apres-cours are intended for all levels of science. The AGE sector now has two new optional secondary 5 biology courses available. A round table of experts has been organized to share and discuss their experiences with implementing these two courses (BLG-5070 and BLG-5071). In addition, they provide advice for teachers interested in implementing these courses in their schools, including their successes and challenges.

This meeting was on September, 2022. It was hosted by Micheline Ammar, Equipe-Choc pedagogical.

Session recording


By clicking on the hyperlink of one of the points in the table below, you will be redirected to the precise moment of the recording when this point was discussed.

Welcome back message
Welcome back partners
– Services éducatifs complémentaires (SÉC)
New Après-Cours format
Round table discussion about the Biology program
Introduction of panel
How was teaching bio this past year?
Where did you get the content? Program?
How did you organize your teaching?
Fields that these courses would open up and requirements
How did you plan?
Planning Challenges
Does the student require the knowledge of any specific concept?
Laboratory: Were there any challenges? What do you recommend?
Are there exams and pretests?
What do you recommend? Any words of wisdom!

Documents and links

The Agend and minutes for this Science Après-cours Community
You will find the shared resources in the resource library
The AGE science website
The Anglophone community forum on Moodle FGA

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