English Language Arts Community, November 23, 2021

3 décembre 2021

First ELA Community Après-cours.

The meeting was held on November 31, 2021. It was hosted by Julie Robitaille, Équipe-Choc Pedagogical.

Session recording


By clicking on the hyperlink of one of the points in the table below, you will be redirected to the precise moment of the recording when this point was discussed.

Welcome statement
Presentation of partners and participants
Mandate of the Équipe-Choc Pedagogical
Presentation of Website and Newsletter
Topics of discussion
1. Which methods do you use when planning your lessons?
2. What are the biggest obstacles for your students to overcome?
3. Is there material you would like to share with your colleagues? Is there anything you would like your colleagues to share with you?

Service Offer and ELA/ELI Working Group

Documents and links

The collaborative document for this ELA Après-cours Community
ELA/ELI Working Group form
The presentation used by Julie
The ELI & ELA Padlet
You will find the shared resources in the resource library
The AGE Ressources Website
The Anglophone community forum on Moodle FGA

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