Social Integration Community, November 16, 2022

18 novembre 2022

This English Sector Après-Cours (APC) Social Integration (SI) workshop focused on coping strategies for anxiety.
The meeting was held on November 16 and presented by Janice Bicher Jarvis, M.Sc. It was hosted by Matthew Kennedy, Pedagogical Consultant for Social Participation and Sociovocational Integration (LBPSB) and Marc Gariépy, Education Consultant, RÉCIT AGE (CSSMÎ).

Session recording


By clicking on the hyperlink of one of the points in the table below, you will be redirected to the precise moment of the recording when this point was discussed.

Definition of Anxiety
What it can feel like
What it can look like
Managing Anxiety Behaviours: The ABCS
The Multimodal or the Bio-Psycho-Social Approach
Observations are Key
Interventions at each Level
Prevention Tools
Coping Strategies
Work Sheet Examples
Q and A Session
– A student creates a « negative aura »…
– What support can be offered to teachers?
– How to deal with students that open up to us?
– How to manage a student who is unmotivated to participate?
– How do you approach a student who denies his diagnostic?
– Suggestions for supporting a student who has an obsession with a staff member
Conclusion and question on ODD

Documents and links

The presentation used during the workshop and the notes taken (to be added)
The previous webinar on behaviour challenges in SI, SVI, and Alt. Ed. contexts, given by by Janice Bicher Jarvis.

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